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非常贊同Q爺說很多大陸年青一代並不知道六四的來由. 昨日一位40來歲大陸友人來訪, 問道:為何維園今天如此熱鬧,我說因為六四,她問那是甚麼, 於是我從毛澤東逝世說到黃雀行動, 再給她看了一些歷史片殷…
如此一來, 知曉真相的我們這一代更加必須繼續努力. 謝謝D100
Many of the Hong Kong people I met, those who came to Singapore, they have no interest in the problem in Hong Kong. They say this is politics it has nothing to do with them. When Hong Kong was giving out free money, I know of Hong Kong Singaporeans who enjoy this free money but don’t care that they are ripping off the Hong Kong people. Most Hong Kong Singaporeans are simply selfish, and opportunistic. Apart from the disgusting example who lived off Singaporean’s fat for more than 25 years, she dared to say on D100 she dislike the very human beings who made Singapore rich and stable and attractive to leeches like her. I also heard from Hong Kong Singaporeans that they can benefit by holding onto Singapore citizenship and their children going back to Hong Kong to work. Their children are educated in good Singapore schools, speaks good English and good Mandarin. They have no love nor care about Hong Kong nor history, they know that they have citizenships. The talk about Hong Kong is fun is like talking about the mistress or throw-away girlfriend is fun compared to the wife who is stability. There is something very disgusting about such people and you have to contemplate why Hong Kong is producing such people. What do we have in Singapore, it is either the rich Hong Kies who takes advantage of the money making freebies, the middle takes advantage of our meritocracy to buy homes in good estates and get into good schools in those estates, the poor is only looking to benefit from our good schools, good jobs, good hospitals. This Hong Ki hawker was very sick and he benefited from the excellent medical care at a highly subsidized rate of 70%. They don’t ever say they are grateful. They are full of complians. One complain is that Singaporeans are fuzzy, Why? I asked. It is because this idiot worked in a factory and the colleagues are fuzzy about the QC. HongKies are more chinese than you think. They want their friends to come to make use of our subsidized schools without contributing to our society. I told them they must value this subsidies, it is the blood and sweat of (real) Singaporeans. Our parents came from China, but why are the Hong Kies so disgusting! At this point, I see no future for Hong Kong until the people develop moral character.
Also I have enough of this veil of privileged Hong Ki supremacy, to boast of your brand of venom spitting kind of humour and your cantonese. The chinese in Singapore is well aware that Singapore is surrounded by Malay speaking countries and we (Singaporeans) worked very hard and value stability. Stability for our offsprings as opposed to turmoils of the land they flee. They came to Singapore to provide for their families in China. I don’t understand why Singapore become a negative example or the target. The young generation does not care nor look to Hong Kong, they don’t speak Cantonese, they buy fashion from major cities. You should be grateful the older generation are kind and still consider a kind of warmth towards a people who shared our face, our skin colour and a remembrance of a tongue we once spoke. Don;t alienate people who have goodwill towards you. Tell those disgraceful exHong Kies who bites the hand that feeds them, to go back to Hong Kong and fight alongside you for freedom to talk lah.
Further, the kind of outrage rampage response of ‘hooligans’ supporters of D100 to the investigation of a complain about the host of a ghost program. This is the alarm to an organization which just obtained the Social Enterprise Endorsement that it should engage in some ‘house cleaning’. Singaporeans would probably take a cautious approach if the complain is about trust and money. Stupid people do not always know what constitute CBT, it can be so simple as if you do not bank in the day’s cashier’s collection on the same day. Stupid people are the weakest link, do not employ stupid people.