09, 2023
09, 2023
《聽News學English》2023-09-15︱普京同金仔會晤究竟vibe 唔 vibe? 等墨非老師話你知啦!! ︱D100 聽News學English|墨非老師
25 Aug,2023 《聽News學English Phrasing:
1. Contaminated
2. Doubt
3. Nonsense
4. Transparent
5. Hallucination
6. Mould
7. Chills down the spine
8. Haunted
08, 2023
《聽News學English》2023-08-25︱日本排放核水,啲壽司全部都 Contaminated, 究竟食唔食好呢?without a doubt 我就食啦!︱Doubt︱Contaminated ︱D100 聽News學English|墨非老師
25 Aug,2023 《聽News學English Phrasing:
1. Contaminated
2. Doubt
3. Nonsense
4. Transparent
5. Hallucination
6. Mould
7. Chills down the spine
8. Haunted
08, 2023
《聽News學English》2023-08-18︱Is the grass really greener on the other side?! 隔離飯真係香啲?!︱Rant︱Do its thing︱D100 聽News學English|主持:墨非老師
18 Aug,2023 《聽News學English Phrasing:
1. The grass is greener on the other side
2. Rant
3. Do its thing
4. Fishing in troubled waters
5. Damaged
6. Flat out
08, 2023
08, 2023
《聽News學English》如果見到人打劫,你會hesitate,定係 play your part ?︱Play your part ︱Hesitate ︱PHRASE ︱D100 聽News學English|主持:墨非老師
30 June,2023 《聽News學English Phrasing:
1. Karen / obnoxious
2. Low-key / Subliminal
3. Norm
4. Out with the old, in with the new
5. Go abroad
6. Subconscious